Contribute to Jag-lovers

Contributing to the Jag-lovers Community

Welcome to Jag-lovers! We are a community of over 50,000 people, all dedicated to the maintenance and upkeep of the most elegant cars ever made.

All the information on Jag-lovers is free, as is participation in our Forums. We hope you like it here, that you find the information useful, and the community helpful.

Did you know that our Forums have over 2 million messages posted to them, going back to 1993? Or that well over 150,000 people have registered an account on our Forums or joined our email lists over the years? That’s how we started out by the way, as an email distribution list. You can read all about the history of Jag-lovers here.

Patreon logoKeeping the site online isn’t free, please consider helping by becoming a Patron of Jag-lovers. It’s easy, just head on over to and select a contribution level. How much you want to contribute is up to you, the different levels all provide the same benefits:

  • The warm and fuzzy feeling you get from knowing you’re supporting your favorite website.
  • Membership in the “Patrons” group in the Forums.
  • A special Patron “flair” on your avatar in the Forums.

Please use the same email address on Patreon as you use here on Jag-lovers, otherwise you won’t be recognized as a Patron in the Forums.

In order to keep Jag-lovers humming along in the months and years to come, we need your help. If you can contribute even a small amount on a monthly basis, it will be a big help. The site is, and will remain free though, the contributions are completely voluntary.

Other things you can do to help:

If you prefer to contribute funds on a one-time basis, you can still do so via PayPal, just click the yellow “Donate” button below.

You can also help by purchasing Jag-lovers swag from our store on Zazzle. Available for purchase are hats, caps, mugs, t-shirts, tote bags, and lots and lots more. For every item you purchase, Jag-lovers will receive 15% of the net price.

Jag-lovers hatJag-lovers coffee mugJag-lovers t-shirt

We’re eternally grateful to you no matter how you choose to help support Jag-lovers. Please note though: If you decide to support us via purchasing stuff on Zazzle, or donating through PayPal, your experience on the site will be as a non-donor. In other words, in addition to not having the avatar “flair” in the Forums, the “Please support Jag-lovers” flag in the Forums header will remain in place.

We know from experience on the old site that many members do enjoy having some form of recognition of their donor status. The reason we know this is that we had to manually add a flag to each member who contributed, and people would complain if the process took too long. The whole thing was very time consuming and often involved a fair amount of detective work (people would use different email addresses to donate, and not mention their J-l username in the transaction). That’s why we’ve put so much effort into getting the current Patreon system set up, so the process of adding recognition would be fully automatic. Thank you for understanding.

Ask questions and share your experiences:

We also encourage you to contribute your experience and your knowledge about all things Jaguar on our Forums. Or ask questions, and help others learn alongside you. You can also write for Jag-lovers. If it’s Jaguar related and of a non-commercial nature we’ll be happy to feature it on our site.


This is a great time of year to consider a gift to the best piece of the Internet – Jag Lovers. I’ve sent my donation in and I hope many others do the same.

I regard this List as a cyber-club, as I imagine many of the others do, too. I would welcome a periodic e-mail, reminding we members of the need to fund the List, with the suggestion to fork over $20 or so – rather like dues

I’ve willingly donated to support what is the very best of the Internet – come on chaps, ‘Your Site Needs You!’

I am disabled and on a fixed income trying to get my xj on the road. If it where not for the members and founders of this great group I would not have had access to all the knowledge and experience and help made available to me in repairing my Jaguar. Thank You very much.

How about everyone else getting up off their wallet and donating $20? Considering the value and camaraderie you get from the site, that’s a small price to pay for the help and fun we’ve all been having. 😉

Great site – very valuable

Your website is of value and it must cost somebody some money, so maybe you could think about sending a request for money to everyone on your mailing list, or post an item on each forum.

I’ve saved so much money since joining this site and receiving advice from the people here that I feel any donation I make will not be enough to repay my gratitude. But here goes anyway!

Thanks anyway for a good site, always a pleasure to sign-in and browse the forums

Since I’ve been exploiting this site and its forums on a regular basis for the past couple of years, I feel that I owe a contribution to those who’ve put up with me during that time

Thanks to all of you who devote so much of your time to keeping this fantastic place up and running – long may it continue 🙂

Thanks for the site, I am also going to be working on a Mercedes Diesel and they have nothing like Jag lovers. Keep up the good work.